We are delighted to work with The National FGM Centre on the following event:
The Role of Education in Responding to FGM and other Harmful Practices
The new government statutory guidance on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), announced in 2019, makes it compulsary for secondary schools to teach pupils about FGM and other harmful practices.
Taking place on Tuesday 18 June 2019, this conference, which has been co-produced with young people, will bring together key experts in the field of harmful practices and education to raise awareness, and inform participants of their duty with regards to the new RSE mandatory guidance.
Delegates will:
- Understand what Harmful Practices are
- Be able to apply their knowledge of harmful practices to their role in safeguarding children
- Understand the new statutory guidance for RSE
- Know what teaching requirements have been placed on them in the RSE guidance regarding FGM and other harmful practices
- Gain an insight in best practice around teaching about harmful practices
- Know how to engage families to safeguard their children from harmful practices
Speakers Include:
- Leethen Bartholomew, Head of the National FGM Centre
- Inspector Allen Davis, Metropolitan Police
- Dr Charlotte Proudman, Barrister and specialist in FGM and Forced Marriage
- Louise Williams, Speclialist FGM Clinical Nurse, University College Hospital – FGM paediatric clinic
- Young people
We are grateful to the Big Lottery Fund for supporting this initiative.